I guess it's time...

At the risk of becoming cannon fodder for the inevitable ideological cleansing due to occur in the United States of Christiania over the coming decades, I believe it is time for me to join the blogger bandwagon.
It won't take long before my posts betray me as the irreverent liberal atheist wingnut that I am, so I might as well get that out in the open from the get-go. In my opinion, the richest country on earth should be ashamed and embarrassed that its children lack health insurance. I'm not into bestiality, but I would rather be married to Lassie than Ann Coulter. I think that if George W. Bush suddenly died and they had to perform an autopsy on him, his brain would look a lot like Terry Schiavo's did. I have reason to believe that the ACLU is not a Stalinesque organization attempting to overthrow the US government and set up a communist state run by homosexuals.
Like my good friend and fellow liberal, The Viscount Lacarte, I am keenly interested in music and am a bit of a musician myself. So I'll be sharing my opinionated diatribes on music as well, but I won't be getting into arguments about it. There's a saying about people who argue about music. Maybe those who know it can post it in the comments. My first challenge.
Another topic of considerable interest to me is consciousness and self-awareness. I can debate endlessly about the Turing test and it's ramifications, real or perceived, so anyone who wants to get that discussion going, bring it on. I'm sort of like a retriever dog on these issues - if you throw the ball, I'll chase it every time.
Some more meaningless factoids that may add to ( or subtract from) your perception of me, FWIW -
I refer to God in the same sense that Einstein did. I'm very happily married and there's nothing that bums me out more than a loser who laughs and elbows you while berating their spouse. I think "MC 900-Foot Jesus" is the coolest band name ever. I'm a techno-geek and I've got all kinds of audio recording gear. I once published a book on home recording studio design and people actually bought it. I have children who are and always will be the center of my universe. I become closer to God every time I go out on my sailboat. I have too many hobbies. There's nothing better than good sex, but Japanese food and some French wines that cost more than my monthly car payment are acceptable substitutes in a pinch. I think the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is more profound than the Bible, and contains better advice.
I have questions. If I deliberately pour Draino into a test tube containing a human embryo, should I be tried for murder? Can God kill my immortal soul if He feels like it? Why don't faith healers ever heal amputees? Is blowing himself up the best way for a young Islamist to get laid? Why do people who make $18,000 a year vote for tax cuts for the rich? Why would someone vote for a dead guy instead of John Ashcroft? No wait, I know the answer to that one.
Welcome to my blog.
Why don't faith healers ever heal amputees?
That's funny. In all the coverage of these charlatans that I've seen nobody ever put it quite so succinctly.
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