Thursday, October 20, 2005

Yes, we're happy

In light of the ongoing unraveling of the Republican Party machine that has been taking place with rapid acceleration over the past few months, I’d like to address a familiar talking point that we hear all too often from the right. Having little or nothing to say in their own defense for the debacles we see all around us, they are now pointing to liberals and saying – “Look, they’re happy that things are going badly for the USA! Liberals WANT the economy to tank. They WANT the insurgents to make a mess of Operation Iraqi Freedom. They WANT the USA to fail. Why? Because they hate our country!”

This of course is typical neocon logic, which is to say, incoherent

I’ll freely admit that I pull out my guitar and strum the chords to “Here Comes The Sun” when things go badly for the Republicans, but not for the reasons they think. It’s not because we hate our country, morons, it’s because we love it. You see, if we really wanted to have trillion dollar deficits, deadly, unprovoked conflicts, exacerbated terrorism, and under-funded, paralyzed, inept internal government agencies with under-qualified leadership, we would have voted for Bush in the first place.

I mean, it’s not like we didn’t predict this shit storm before it happened. It’s not like the neocons haven’t lived up to our expectations and then some.

Which brings us to the reason we’re happy. We’re happy because we may soon be able to begin the long and arduous process of undoing all the damage this administration has done over the past 5 years. Maybe, just maybe, a good number of the zombie bobbleheads who voted Republican in the last election will actually furrow their brows and say WTF? when they hear things like “The insurgents are in their last throes”, or “I don’t think anyone anticipated the breaching of the levies” coming from the mouths of their leaders. Maybe even a few EVANGELICAL senior citizens will sit up and take notice when they have to order their heart pills from Zimbabwe because their Medicaid coverage has been yanked. Maybe they’ll read one of Harriet Mier’s love letters to Dubya and say “Holy shit – she’s nuts!” instead of confirming her to one of the most powerful offices in the land because she believes in the coming rapture.

In a nutshell, we’re happy because there may be some hope for our children, after all.


Blogger The Viscount LaCarte said...

Great start Sound. Keep up the good work.

11:25 AM  

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