My favorite secular holiday

You go, O'Reilly dude, you go boy. Blame the de-Christmasization of Christmas on the merchants. Blame it on liberals and atheists and ex-cons. Blame it on the Big Boxes.
On Walmart, On KMart, On Nordstrom, On Bloomies.
On Penny's and Barneys, and Costco's and Screwmie's.
Call for boycotts for anybody who uses the words "Happy Holidays". Vent your rage at the collective defamation of the birthday of the Son of Gawd. Then go home on Christmas day and drink your Pieper Heidsieck and eat your Ghirardelli chocolate and give your 10 year old son a new dirt bike with a built-in DVD player. Maybe a nice gold and diamond BROOCH for the wife.
Then when the booze wears off and the self-righteous spittle has run from your pontificating chin, and your blood pressure returns to what you might call normal, mull over this for a minute or two...
Christians have only themselves to blame for turning their High Holy Day into a circus.
Who's trampling over their own grandmother to get through the department store door at 5am the day after Thanksgiving? Who gets into a fight over the last "Elmo Takes A Dump" doll on Christmas Eve? Who's blowing out their neighborhood power transformers trying to turn their house into a freaking World's Fair exhibit from November to January? Buncha Muslims? Buncha Bhuddists? Buncha Communists? Nah. It's the Christers, as Bobby L would say. Here they come a Wassailing. I don't really know what the hell Wassailing is, but I'm guessing it has something to do with eating and drinking until you puke.
And in church on Sunday, how many sermons are devoted to cutting the bullshit? How many priests and deacons are telling their flocks to back off on the $5,000 worth of Christmas lights and give the money to the poor? Hell, now the CHURCHES are decking themselves out with enough lights to blind oncoming traffic. Are there any preachers out there reminding folks that emptying the entire 3rd floor of FAO Schwartz onto the living room floor does not really put forth the message of the Christ child? And more importantly, how many Christians are listening?
Not too many, from the looks of it.
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