Thursday, April 06, 2006

Compare and Contrast

Greetings students. Today's exercise is on fundamentalism.

The following is list of the ten major identifying characteristics of Islamic fundamentalists:

1. They view Islamic religious idealism as basis for personal and communal identity;
2. They understand truth to be revealed and unified in the Q'ran;
3. They are intentionally scandalous, noting that outsiders do not understand them or their cause.
4. They envision themselves as part of a cosmic struggle for Allah (jihad);
5. They seize on historical moments and reinterpret them in light of this cosmic struggle;
6. They demonize their opposition and are reactionary;
7. They are selective in what parts of Islamic tradition and heritage they stress;
8. They are led by males and favor a male dominated society;
9. They envy modernist cultural hegemony and try to overturn the distribution of power.
10. They use militaristic language (fight for Allah, death to infidels, be soldiers of God)

Now here are the ten major characteristics of Christian fundamentalists:

1. They view Christian religious idealism as basis for personal and communal identity;
2. They understand truth to be revealed and unified in the Bible;
3. They are intentionally scandalous, noting that outsiders cannot understand them or their cause;
4. They envision themselves as part of a cosmic struggle for Jesus;
5. They seize on historical moments and reinterpret them in light of this cosmic struggle; 6. They demonize their opposition and are reactionary;
7. They are selective in what parts of the Christian tradition and heritage they stress;
8. They are led by males and favor a male dominated society;
9. They envy modernist cultural hegemony and try to overturn the distribution of power.
10. They use militaristic language (fight the enemy, make war against evil, be soldiers of Christ)

Compare and contrast.


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