Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Post Op

Knee surgery yesterday. Meniscus was too messed up to repair, so they snipped it. Makes recovery easier I'm told, but could lead to a faster encroachment of arthritis in the knee later in life. C'est la vie.

The most pain I experienced through the whole thing was the insertion of the intravenus into my wrist. And that was nuthin. The creepiest thing was the operating room. Very creepy. Big circular light. Nurses with hair nets and masks. Operating table with STRAPS. Beepy, blinky machines everywhere. And you think - I really don't want to be here. Maybe therapy was the better option. And just before you get revved up enough to seriously consider your chances of bolting, they start pumping valium through your IV and the whole thing becomes a scene in somebody else's movie.

How about that nurse putting that gas mask over that guy's face, ha? How about that line, "Take a DEEP breath and before you know it, you're going to wake up in recovery." After that, I had enough time to think "?" before I woke up in recovery with a nurse holding a cup of crushed ice in front of me.

Wow. Like, who changed the channel?

Not much pain, but enough to wonder how it's gonna be when the drugs wear off completely. No need to worry on that account. Along with the ice chips I was given a cup with two horse-pill sized Percodan's. Ten minutes later the world was a pain-free, worry-free Shangri-La dressed up as a hospital ward. Hey, there's my wife. Isn't she cute? Let's go home baby. I'm starving and I think I would also enjoy jumping off the top of the pergola into the goldfish pond. Why haven't I tried that before?

And so, today is day two, and I'm feeling pretty good. It was tough sleeping last night becuase my throat was sore (apparently from the breathing tube they claim was in it during the supposed operation). So, that and the drugs have left me a little too mentally spent to work on anything more taxing than this blog. I would have liked to have started a new tune or something.

Maybe tomorrow.


Blogger The Viscount LaCarte said...

Glad they didn't confuse you with a testicular cancer patient.

ihnxu - what a sneeze sounds like when you are on percs.

4:39 PM  
Blogger Bobby Lightfoot said...

yeah, it's all funny now, man. It's all ha-ha's until you realize you're down a kidney. And your noogies are just rubber balls because your real ones are now bangin' around some rich republican's crotchal region.

And now They can Trace You.

kovqhki- a finnish beverage made with vodka and cat piss.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Soundsurfr said...

And now They can Trace You.

Shit. I didn't think of that.

Gonna pop two more Percosets and all will be right with the world.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin Wolf said...

I see the Viscount and Bobby have already been by to cheer you up!

Waking up in recovery is most unpleasant. But not waking up would be worse...

9:30 AM  

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